
Culture Shock?

We have arrived in the land of Oz!

We haven't been out of Taiwan for 3 years, so the first couple hours in Australia, Michael & I both realized we were having a bit of culture shock, or something... lots of things so normal once, but now so different... it felt a little weird as everything hit us all at once:
  • being able to read ALL the street signs, shop signs, window adverts, etc. -- everything was in English.
  • Brown and blond-haired people all over the place.
  • Driving down the street -- we kept checking the side mirrors whenever we turned -- but no motorbikes ever tried to whiz around us.
  • No motorbikes! (Well, a rather rare sight, anyway)
  • Driving to Clare -- traveling at 100 k's felt so fast. And switching the lights from dim to bright... (In Taiwan, you never have a long enough stretch without oncoming traffic to ever get to turn your brights on)
  • Footpaths (i.e. sidewalks :))
  • Variety of cuisine -- I couldn't wait to find a Yiros shop!
  • Car seats for 3 of the kids -- (and following the car seat rules strictly)
  • ...plus several more that escape me right now...
It's definitely good to be back & we're looking forward to lots of fun with family & a good rest/break. :-)

1 comment:

Rachel Sarah said...

I remember feeling the same way when I returned from India after two years. i.e. I remember going to the grocery store my first day back to buy some toothpaste; I was overwhelmed by the choices and left w/o buying anything. In India at that time, they only had one or two brands to choose from. I also remember getting in the car and driving on the wrong side of the road for a few seconds. Hope you have a great rest in Aussie-land!