
Countdown & Carry-ons

The countdown is on! Only 3 more weeks today before we take off on furlough to Australia! There is definitely excitement in the air! Nathan walks around the house multiple times throughout the day, pointing his finger towards the sky and looking up, saying in a 2-yr-old way, "Big aih-pane! Big aih-pane! Sky! Go Ah-seh-yah!" Yes, Nathan! We are all going to Australia! :-)

Elise & Kenna both packed their carry-ons several days ago, and Kenna has been sleeping with hers on her bed! Last night, she had special permission to sleep in Anaya and Nathan's room on the floor, and she wheeled it in there with her, put her feet up on, and laid down! :P (in photo: Elise & Kenna both asleep on Kenna's bed)

Honestly, we are looking forward to this upcoming six-week break... It has been quite the season for us recently... Absolutely non-stop since... wow, I don't know how many months... I'm counting... back, back, back...!

This past month, I (Amy) taught Psalms in SBS, re-did the Titus website (starting from scratch, and I'm a total newbie so have to learn everything as I go!), plus went to Germany for a week (leading 2 days of Titus meetings and attending 3 days of SBS world-wide consultation). Since I can't really work on teachings or Titus stuff during the day much, my "work time" starts at about 10:00 at night, after the rest of the house has (hopefully!) gone to sleep. So, for about a month, my normal bed time was 2:00 am. I did pay for that later, getting rather sick in Germany, and according to what the doctor I saw the morning after arriving back in Taiwan entered into his computer, suffered "acute bronchitis". But, he said, "Don't worry -- at least it's not pneumonia, just a common cold!" :-)

Michael has just finished teaching 1 Corinthians in the SBS, and now we are trying to catch up on the house, organizing, etc.

So, we'll all keep at it: SBS staff, grading (Michael), some Titus stuff (Amy), house (Amy with Michael & girls help :-)), school (Elise & Kenna) and making messes for the rest to clean up (Nathan!) and then, Australia, here we come!!


Anonymous said...

Yes it will be a big aihplane Nathan !!!
Fancy being packed so early.... do you really need such a big case just for you Kenna or are all the kids clothes going to fit into that one?
Dont forget to bring your tag!!

We cant wait to see you and play some games and read some books together and also take lots of walks. Perhaps even a kick of a footy with the boys or a game of chasey will be in store.

See you in just a few more sleeps

XX Aunty Lynette

Anonymous said...

haha, I wish I could get myself to pack that early. My life could be so much easier the night before my departure!
