
34 years!

No, neither Michael nor I have recently turned 34... (though one of us is currently 34... not for long though)

Neither have we been in ministry 34 years...yet.

34 years is a statistic. A statistic about exponential growth.

Did you know that if there was only one Christian in the world, and in one year that one person led one other person to Christ, then the following year, those two people led (one each) two more to Christ, then the following year, those 4 people led 4 more people to Christ... how long would it take for the entire world to come to know Christ?

Well, I guess the title sort of gives it away... but can you believe the answer is actually just a mere 34* years?!? And that's starting with just one person! If the whole body of Christ around the world right now started doing this... where would we be in just a few years? Go ahead, do the math -- and be challenged! I am!

(* does not take into account the projected population in 34 years time, which could be more like 12 billion... but still... don't think about the math quite that much... just accept the challenge!)

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