
Termite Killers

About twice a year we have an invasion of flying ants - a.k.a termites!

They come in through the windows, cracks, airconditioner vents, and anywhere else they possibly can!

Usually all the walls of the house that have a window on them are literally crawling with hundreds of termites -- and we get to have fun for a few hours swatting, stepping, wiping -- trying to exterminate them all before we go to bed.

Here are Elise and Kenna self-armed for termite battle! We lost count after awhile -- but they got an awful lot!

One year we forgot about the laundry room -- and found the bottom of a laundry basket just crawling... and one of Michael's good shirts full of eaten-through holes. :P
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Getting Around...

...so, 5 was do-able, but I think we may have officially outgrown our motorbike now with 6...!??!