
Highchair hotel

OK, so you can all probably sense my fondness for creepy crawlies if you've read any of the previous posts (sorry, I know i need to branch out a little bit!), but this was amazing (in terms of downright nasty)!

We had been having trouble with our roach population for awhile, and noticed baby roaches often crawling on Nathan's high chair (wonder why?!)... we scoured his chair several times, but there was one section of the chair that was inaccessible, and thus, unwashable (not a real word, but you can pretend it is)... Well, one day Michael finally decided just to break the chair apart as we highly suspected this was the main source of the problem, and lo and behold, what we found!

The video doesn't do justice to what we actually saw -- 20+ live ones crawling around & about 15 egg sacs, and oh yeah, all the black spots? Yep... yummers! Yippety-DOO-dah!


Rachel Sarah said...

Holy moly is right, Amy! That's gross.
Once, when I lived in India, I found a dead rat IN my toaster. I was actually making a piece of toast and was led to look inside by the SMELL. It was seriously YEARS before I could eat a piece of toast.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing that Amy/ guess its the little things in life that are fun! yuk.

did you get a new chair or soak this one in bleach?

I feel so itchy and think i will have a shower right now.!

Till next time...