
God is so Li-Hai!

This evening as the girls and I were pulling in to park the motorbike at the end of the alley, I noticed a cat ready to jump to it's perch on top of the brick wall. I told the girls to hold still and watch -- thinking it would be fun for them to witness the little cat jump from the ground up to twice Elise's height. Kenna immediately began chasing the cat down the opposite end of the alley... (yep, that's our Kenna), and Elise responded, "Bu ke neng!" (meaning, that's impossible). But I told them to be patient and they might still be able to watch the cat jump.

Kenna did eventually chase the cat back, and we waited quietly out of the way -- and sure enough, a minute later -- jump! -- up to the wall about 2m high. Both girls were so impressed and Elise says, "Wow, God is so li-hai!" (we speak a lot of Chinglish around here, and roughly translated means, 'God is so amazing'). I was so blessed by her comment in that she immediately recognized the cat's ability wasn't in and from itself, but from our amazing Creator God.

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