
Leapin' Lizards!

Well, not really leaping. Scrambling is more like it. The girls saw it first, "Mom, Dad, come quick! It's a lizard! Not a gecko, a big lizard!" Yes, it definitely was a nice-sized lizard and it was scrambling to get out of the kitchen sink.

The girls started having flashbacks of "Parent Trap" and kept warning us to be careful, "Back up! He's going to get in your mouth!"

I wonder how long he's been around the place... probably ate a few roaches for us...

Oh well, cute or not (he was pretty cute), he had to go. I made Michael do the honors and out the door he went...

We've had other things besides lizards and geckos crawling around recently... Check out this creepy crawly I discovered last week -- a nice good 4-inches in diameter. This one wasn't as fortunate as the lizard though -- he got the Raid can instead...
So -- who wants to come over for a sleep-over this weekend?!? :-)


Rachel Sarah said...

Hi Amy - I've enjoyed looking through your blog and getting "caught up" with your family news. I'm not able to pull up your videos... hmmmm, hope I can figure that out. All of your bug stories remind me of my time in India... I can laugh about it now. :>)

Heather_Short said...

That spider is super creepy!!!! I think I would have a hard time even taking the can of Raid to it.