
Diving from the top bunk

Yes, at just 16 months of age, Nathan mastered the art of climbing to the top bunk. Yay.

We tried to keep close tabs on him, but of course one evening he managed to sneak up there and we didn't know it till we heard the big THUD! Right onto the back of his head/neck (so says Kenna, who was 'playing' with him and apparently watching... yes, Kenna, thanks for watching...). He was in quite a bit of pain, not acting normal, eyes were a bit roll-aroundy, and he went right to sleep 2 minutes later and did NOT want to be woken up -- so we decided we'd better load everyone up in the van (kids all in pj's)and make a trip to the emergency room.

You feel like great parents when you turn up at the ER and try to explain just how it was that your one-year-old fell off the top of a bunk bed.

Anyhow, everything was ok, Nathan started to perk up and return to his normal self, even cracking a few smiles, they sent us back home -- and didn't charge us anything! Nice!! Love healthcare in Taiwan! :-)

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